Bulk Material Settling & Packing

Bulk Material Settling & Packing
Cleveland Vibrator Company offers a full range of industrial vibrators and equipment for settling and packing materials in drums, containers, packages, molds and forms. Our team provides decades of consultative experience that will ensure the perfect vibratory solution for your unique application. Cleveland Vibrator offers a wide range of light, medium and heavy-duty vibratory compaction tables and packers.

Ask Our Experts: How Does Vibratory Table Compaction Benefit Your Material Type? When compacted correctly, materials can densify by 20-30%, saving you money on shipping, packaging, labor, and processing costs! Check out this video to learn how vibrating tables can benefit your material type, including: recycled plastic shred, lithium powder, tungsten carbide, activated charcoal pellets, Jif smooth peanut butter, and silica sand.


The Cleveland Vibrator Company offers FREE material compaction testing. This ensures you get a tailor-made piece of vibratory equipment to fit your unique application. We use specialized equipment in our lab to test your material to find its optimal vibration parameters. 

Our Pneumatic and Electric Vibrators and Equipment will:

Common applications include:

  • Compacting bulk material loads into containers
  • Consolidation of concrete and other castable refractories
  • Simultaneously pack and weigh bulk materials
  • Settle and remove voids and air pockets in molds, such as candy, chocolate, or plastic products
  • Flatten bulk bags prior to palletization
  • Foundry shake-out
  • Product quality and fatigue testing

How can we help you?

Click on the links below or contact us today for more information on our full line of industrial vibrators and vibratory equipment.

Featured Video: Why Force & Frequency Matter When Compacting Materials
In this demonstration, the high-frequency, low-impacting vibratory option does little to settle and compact the material. When applying a lower frequency, higher impacting option, the material quickly and efficiently settles and compacts, offering a 15% increase in compaction yield. 

Check out our YouTube Channel for Vibration Education, 
Tips & Tricks from our Team at The Cleveland Vibrator Company!


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