Application Gallery

1350 VMS Piston Vibrator on Chutes in Forging plant

Using a conveyor-to-conveyor transition, this 1350 VMS model safely moves forgings away from the turning radius of a conveyor

air piston vibrators, industrial vibrator, pneumatic piston vibrator

1350 VMSAC Air Cushioned Piston Vibrator on feed bin

A feed mill uses Cleveland Vibrator's 1350 VMSAC air cushioned piston vibrators for controlled discharge from feed bins. 

Air Vibrator on Precast Concrete Form

2" UHVM on Precast Concrete Form

This 2" UHVM Portable Air Piston Vibrator is used to quickly consolidate precast concrete, removing voids and creating a smooth, consistent cast and finish.

3" PMA Model For Dust Collection Application

3” PMA Electrostatic Precipitator Rapper knocking accumulated material off dust collection media.

3/4" SA-EP Vibrator on Cope & Drag

3/4" SA-EP Foundry Cope + Drag

3/4" SA-EP Vibrator enables a clean draw on this cope and drag to enhance mold and casting quality.

3/4" SA-EP inside sand Blasting machine

Featuring high frequencies of vibration and adaptable mounting heads, this SA-EP Spring Activated Air Piston Vibrator is a great vibratory aid for preparing parts

extrusions, vibrator for extrusions, portable vibrator, vacuum mounted vibrator, cleveland vibrator company

ACM Vacuum Mount Vibrator for extrusion application

ACM Vacuum Mounted Vibrator is applied to a louvre during filling to significantly reduce the amount of failures over the bend. 

bottom dump trailer vibrator, hopper bottom vibrator, hopper bottom trailer vibrator, truck vibrator, trailer vibrator

Air Piston Vibrator on Bottom Dump Trailer

Air Piston Vibrator used for unloading materials stuck on the walls of a Bottom Dump Trailer

Pneumatic Industrial Vibrator on Foundry Mold Machine

C-1175 Model on Mold Machine

This C-1175 pneumatic piston vibrator helps ensure a clean draw for this mold machine at an aluminum foundry.

air powered vibratory feeder, vibatory conveyor, vibratory feeder

CF-A-2436 Air Powered Vibratory Feeder

Designed and manufactured to feed soft chew materials into oven dryers.

dust collection vibrator, air piston vibrator for dust, dust cleanout vibrator

Dust Collection Air Piston Vibrator

Air Piston Vibrator knocks down dust and cleans out loading spout

impact air knocker vibrator, single timed impact piston vibrator, concrete vibrator, silo vibrator

Impact Air Knocker on Concrete Silo

Impact Air Knocker replaces the hammer at a concrete product manufacturing facility

miniature piston vibrators

Multiple VM-38 used by OEM of spray coating machines

Multiple VM-38 used by OEM of spray coating machines to help with dry bulk material flow to spray nozzles. 

air piston vibrator, spring activated air piston vibrator, foundry vibrator

SA-EP in Aluminum Foundry Application

SA-EP Spring Activated Air Piston Vibrator used on a Shell Core Machine 

SA-EP SPring activated air piston vibrator, foundry vibrator

SA-EP on Shell Core Machine

SA-EP Air Piston Vibrator in Aluminum Foundry 

air piston vibrator, chemical application

SA-EP pneumatic piston vibrator for chemical flow application

SA-EP Pneumatic Piston Vibrator mounted on the side of a bin to help promote flow of powdered chemical product

SI Single Impact Air Knockers Aid Material Flow Out Of Seed Hopper

Cleveland Vibrator's Si Single Impact Air Knockers keep material flowing out of seed hoppers above bulk bag filling stations.

spring activated piston vibrator compacting sand inside a molding matchplate pattern

Spring Activated Piston Vibrator Compact Sand in Mold

SA-EP Air Piston Vibrator used to compact sand into matchplate pattern for molded product

Vacuum Mount Piston Vibrator Unloading Railcar

When material was getting hung up in multiple areas of the railcar, Cleveland Vibrator's Air Piston Vacuum Mount Series helped to keep material flowing freely without permanent mounting to the railcar.

VGVM Vice Grip Vibrator On Refractory Chute, Industrial Vibrator

VGVM Vice Grip Vibrator On Refractory Chute

VGVM Vibrator Model used to shake a transfer chute moving a castable refractory material to fill a mold on a vibratory table

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