For maximum performance and longevity of Rotary Electric Motors, it is critical they operate correctly. Proper set up requires that the two vibrators run together at the same speed and counter rot...
Improving material flow through bins, hoppers, feeders and screeners. See proper installation and set up tips as well as information about troubleshooting and maintenance.
The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techo® (KEE) line 3-Phase 2-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators feature forces ranging from 110 Lbs to 8,800 Lbs at frequency of 3600 RPM.
The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techo® (KEE) line 3-Phase 4-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators feature forces ranging from 330 Lbs to 24,200 Lbs at frequency of 1800 RPM.
The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techno® (KEE) line 3-Phase 6-Pole Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 660 Lbs to 40,700 Lbs at frequency of 1200 RPM.
The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RES) & Uras Techno® (SEE) line Single Phase 110/1/60 Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 30 Lbs to 1,320 Lbs at frequency of 3600 RPM.
The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techno® (KEE) line 3-Phase 8-Pole Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 1,100 Lbs to 40,700 Lbs at frequency of 900 RPM.