Application Gallery

1300 VMRR on Coal Supply Hopper

Powerful 1300 VMRR model aids flow of coal out of bulk supply hoppers above drag conveyor

Air Piston Vibrator on Smelter Hopper

1300 VMRR on Smelter Hopper

This 1300 VMRR Air Piston Railcar Vibrator is used on a smelter hopper to break up material stuck to hopper walls and promote material flow.

Air Vibrator on Precast Concrete Form

2" UHVM on Precast Concrete Form

This 2" UHVM Portable Air Piston Vibrator is used to quickly consolidate precast concrete, removing voids and creating a smooth, consistent cast and finish.

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ACM Vacuum Mount Vibrator for extrusion application

ACM Vacuum Mounted Vibrator is applied to a louvre during filling to significantly reduce the amount of failures over the bend. 

Vacuum Mount Piston Vibrator Unloading Railcar

When material was getting hung up in multiple areas of the railcar, Cleveland Vibrator's Air Piston Vacuum Mount Series helped to keep material flowing freely without permanent mounting to the railcar.

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