COVID-19 Policy & Procedure Update

COVID-19 Policy and Procedure Update

The Cleveland Vibrator Company is deemed an Essential Supplier and will remain open and in production during the Stay at Home period announced by our Governor Mike DeWine.  We will be instituting the following changes to our operations for this period and potentially beyond:

Reduction of Personnel in the Building:
- We will have no more than 9 people in the building at one time
- We will have no more than 2 people regularly working in the same work zone, >15 ft. distance between people
- We will split our production team into two shifts of half the team
- Each shift will have two Sanitation Supervisors whose primary objective will be to enable and encourage our sanitation and spread prevention protocols and secondary objective is to connect production floor to our remote support.
- Office support will be almost entirely remote

Sanitation and Spread Prevention Protocols:
- Clock in and clock out will be staggered with team members maintaining at least 10 ft of space
- Team members will wear cloth masks provided upon approaching the building and through clock in process
- Clock in process will include temperature scan and hand wash
- Nitrile gloves will be provided post hand wash
- Team members will continue to be monitored for symptoms and sent home and asked to stay home and call off should they have symptoms or have known contact with someone with COVID-19
- All tools, tow motors and shared keypads will be wiped down with sanitary wipes at beginning and end of each shift
- Professional cleaning crew will clean after each shift, with concentration on bathrooms, locker rooms, break room and shared keypads and surfaces
- Cloth masks or respirators and gloves will be worn at all times in shared work areas
- All PPE will be kept in personal ziplocs before and after shift.
- No PPE will be shared.
- All internal doors and plastic curtains will be propped open
- No outside contractors or visitors will be allowed in the building.  
- Deliveries and pick-ups will be signed for (if signature required) outside without sharing pens
- Sanitation Supervisors will ensure availability of gloves and supplies as well as encourage adherence to our protocols

We are proud to be Essential to our customers’ and country’s supply chain and are ready to operate while erring on the side of caution to protect our team members and community.


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