Vibratory Tables foundry-shake-out-table

The Cleveland Vibrator Company's Shake Out Table are low profile, durable, and can handle extremely heavy loads. Its open bottom construction allows sand or other debris to pass through unobstructed.

Common Applications Include:

  • Removal of excess material and debris from loads
  • Ideal for foundries or the mining industry
Benefits of the Shake Out Table Include:
  • Heavy duty units can handle up to 12,000 pounds
  • Simple, low profile design that is also low maintenance
  • Quiet operation, no noise from steel isolation springs, belts, pulleys or rotating crank arms
  • Vibrators are rated for continuous duty
Features and options of the Shake Out Table include:
  • Trouble free Marsh-Mellow Mount isolation
  • Available with UHMW liners on side deflectors
  • Vibrator bearings are pre-lubricated

Click on the button at left to request a quote, or contact us now to learn how our selection of foundry-related products can optimize your operation.

Additional Resources

Shake-out Table Saves AC Foundry Money and Downtime

Shake-out Table Saves AC Foundry Money and Downtime

Low Profile Shake-Out Table (SGT-O) saves AC Foundry $5000/year in replacement parts and days/month of downtime, providing continuous duty service in breaking 1000 mold boxes per day.
Vibratory Tables Inquiry Data Sheet

Vibratory Tables Inquiry Data Sheet

Provide our team with the information we need to keep your material or production moving.
Free Material Compaction Testing Information

Free Material Compaction Testing Information

See how The Cleveland Vibrator Company's FREE material compaction testing can help achieve the best results for your material and is tailored for YOUR unique application. 
Cleveland Vibrator & HK Technologies Products Offerings

Cleveland Vibrator & HK Technologies Products Offerings

Industrial Vibration for every step of your process. Learn how The Cleveland Vibrator Company and HK Technologies can keep your material moving. 
Cleveland Vibrator Vibratory Equipment Products Overview

Cleveland Vibrator Vibratory Equipment Products Overview

Click here to view & download Cleveland Vibrator's One-Page Vibratory Equipment Products Offering. 
Choosing the Proper Vibratory Table Enhances Product Compaction & Cost Savings for Numerous Bulk Handling Applications

Choosing the Proper Vibratory Table Enhances Product Compaction & Cost Savings for Numerous Bulk Handling Applications

Some materials can achieve 25% to 30% compaction if the vibration is applied correctly and the vibratory table is desig...

Vibratory Table Equipment Catalog

Vibratory Table Equipment Catalog

Catalog for Cleveland Vibrator Company Air or Electric powered Vibratory Tables
Vibratory Screener Equipment Catalog

Vibratory Screener Equipment Catalog

Catalog for Cleveland Vibrator Company Air or Electric powered Vibratory Screeners
RE 2-Pole

2-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators

The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techo® (KEE) line 3-Phase 2-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators feature forces ranging from 110 Lbs to 8,800 Lbs at frequency of 3600 RPM.
RE 4-Pole

4-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators

The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techo® (KEE) line 3-Phase 4-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators feature forces ranging from 330 Lbs to 24,200 Lbs at frequency of 1800 RPM.
RE 6-Pole

6-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators

The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techno® (KEE) line 3-Phase 6-Pole Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 660 Lbs to 40,700 Lbs at frequency of 1200 RPM.
RE 8-Pole

8-Pole Rotary Electric Vibrators

The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RE) & Uras Techno® (KEE) line 3-Phase 8-Pole Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 1,100 Lbs to 40,700 Lbs at frequency of 900 RPM.
RES Series

Single Phase Rotary Electric Vibrators

The Cleveland Vibrator Co. (RES) & Uras Techno® (SEE) line Single Phase 110/1/60 Rotary Electric Vibratorsfeature forces ranging from 30 Lbs to 1,320 Lbs at frequency of 3600 RPM.


Cleveland Vibrator Company offers a full range of industrial vibrators and equipment to serve Foundries, including match plate, core machine and flask vibrators and shake-out tables.

SGT-O Vibratory Shakeout Table for Thermoplastics

Click here to see this product in action on our YouTube Channel

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